
PE Warm Up Games Ideas

In this blog post we’ve compiled some of our favourite PE warm up games, that you can easily incorporate into lesson plans and get children moving and ready for any activity.

Children playing PE warm up games
Children playing PE warm up games
PE Warm Up Games Ideas

In this blog post we’ve compiled some of our favourite PE warm up games, that you can easily incorporate into lesson plans and get children moving and ready for any activity.

Primary School Children enjoying themselves in a dance club - example of how to use PE and Sport Premium
Making the most of your PE and sport premium in 2025

Most UK Primary Schools are eligible for a ‘PE and Sport Premium’ allocation of £16,000 (+ £10 per pupil).

pe equipment list for primary schools
PE Equipment List for Primary Schools – The Essentials

You can deliver primary school PE lessons without equipment – but for a more effective and rewarding PE lesson (and curriculum) we think you need these 10 items on our ‘PE Equipment List for Primary Schools.’ The right equipment makes PE more enjoyable – and helps children develop motor skills, coordination and fitness more effectively. […]

christmas fitness games
Christmas fitness games for a fun, festive wind-down!

Merry Christmas!  We’re on the final stretch towards the end of term now – and we’re sure you’ll be looking forward to the rest! The last week of term before Christmas is always a fun time for children – and PE can play a part, too!  We’ve pulled together a selection of Christmas fitness games […]

Illustration of children playing in a Dodgeball PE lessons
Dodgeball PE Lessons are perfect for Winter – Our 5 reasons why!

Dodgeball is a versatile, fun and physically demanding game that works well in winter, keeping kids active, engaged and developing important physical and social skills even when it's too cold to be outside.

Primary School Golf Target Games
Target Games in Primary School PE

Target games are fantastic way to develop the whole child! Many activities can be easily adapted, progressed and differentiated to fit the needs of every pupil in class. Whether it's a beanbag game, bowling, ring toss, frisbee golf, dodgeball or Tri Golf - target games in primary school PE are a must!

download lesson plans
A Guide to PE Planning

PE Planning’s number 1 ambition is to make PE lessons as active, engaging and easy to deliver as possible. If you are new to PE Planning, this guide will demonstrate how to download PE lesson plans, PE resources and PE curriculum documents.

First week back lesson plans
First Week of School PE Lesson Plans

Starting off on the right foot means establishing with children what your PE lessons are all about. Getting this right at the beginning means less chance of behavioural issues and disengagement further down the line. So, for your first week of PE lesson plans, we recommend the following steps.

5 Primary PE Planning Ideas to get a Head Start Next Term

Wow… We’re almost done! The school year is nearly over, and soon all you’ll have to concentrate on is summer trips away, glasses of wine on an evening and which boxset to binge. But wait… Yes, the new school year in September may be a long way off. But what if you were able to […]

Girl running with a class behind her
Summer Term Athletics: Running & Sprinting Games

Athletics is such an important part of the PE curriculum. It is rewarding, engaging and allows children to recognise and celebrate success; plus is an easy topic to deliver! As a discipline within Athletics, running and sprinting is fun and exciting, but also has huge benefits!!

Primary school sports day race
Sports Day Activities in School: Top 10

Sports Day season is here! This blog offers some inspiration, top tips and enthusiasm to help you plan the best Sports Day yet!

PE CPD for teachers
The Importance of PE CPD for Teachers

In a rapidly rising world of tech, fast food and convenience, our responsibility to deliver engaging, active and high-quality PE across all key stages has never been more important. While CPD is vital across all subjects, in PE the holistic approach to physical fitness as well as mental well-being and social development makes it particularly […]

3 Top Tips for Teaching KS2 Dance

Recently, we covered our three top tips for teaching KS1 Dance. Now, in this blog post, we move onto KS2 Dance! According to the curriculum, KS2 children should be given the opportunity to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. At this stage, children are expected to be able to perform dances using a range […]

3 Top Tips for Teaching KS1 Dance

KS1 Dance is your first opportunity to really introduce children to Dance PE - here are our top tips for starting on a high!

KS1 dance
The Primary School Teachers’ Guide to Teaching Dance

For primary school teachers without a dance background, navigating the world of dance instruction may seem daunting. Fear not! In this blog post, we’ll help you deliver dance lessons with confidence and fun - and get results.

How To Prepare For Sports Day

Sports Day is a big event in the school calendar. In fact – in terms of PE, it’s THE event of the year for your primary school! Such a big event requires plenty of preparation – but how to prepare for Sports Day? To mark the launch of our Sports Day CPD training and resources […]

Primary School children in PE high five
Making PE Fun and Accessible for All: Ensuring Enjoyment for All

PE has the potential to be so much - it can be a transformative experience that promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In today's fast-paced world, where mental health issues among children are on the rise, it is crucial that we make PE fun and accessible for all.

dance lesson plans
Put on our Dancing Shoes – It’s our Brand New Videos & Dance Lesson Plans!

PE Planning and our very own PE Pack have been very busy during the Autumn term. Our dance specialist, along with children from a local primary school have learnt, developed and performed the PE Planning Dances to complement our lesson plans.

christmas pe activities
Christmas PE Activities for Primary Schools

We’re now in the final school week before Christmas, and we all know what that means. Lots of fun and games so children can let off some steam and wind down to the Christmas break! At PE Planning, we’ve not actually slowed down at all – in fact, we’re busier than ever updating our Dance […]

winter PE activities
7 Fun Winter PE Activities

It’s cold, it’s dark, and it’s tempting to stay indoors and cozy up. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your PE lessons. In fact, there are many ways to make your PE lessons more fun and exciting in the winter season.

primary school pe football
Primary School Children Do Not Do Enough PE, say Teachers

PE Planning lesson plans are not only made for primary school teachers – they are also influenced by them. We spend a huge amount of time getting feedback from teachers, and understanding what it is that helps making planning and delivering PE lessons easier. So it’s extra insightful to ask teachers to take part in […]

Physical literacy in children
The Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England

"Physical Literacy is our relationship with movement and physical activity throughout life."

Female World Gymnastics Championships
PE Lesson Plans to Celebrate the World Gymnastics Championships

Teaching children about the World Gymnastics Championships will only bolster the benefits the subject brings. Here’s why we believe you should cover this important sporting event..

national fitness day activities
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle: National Fitness Day Activities for Primary School

Join us in celebrating National Fitness Day and inspire your pupils towards a healthier lifestyle. Incorporate fun and engaging fitness activities into your primary school PE classes. Together, we can promote a lifelong commitment to fitness and well-being for our children.

Rugby World Cup: The Value of Tag Rugby Lessons

In this blog post, we’ll cover the importance of introducing rugby at a young age, and how using the Rugby World Cup as a theme can make tag rugby lessons even more exciting!

gymnastics safety tips
5 Gymnastics Safety Tips for Primary Schools

Gymnastics is an incredibly rewarding topic. It provides plenty of unique benefits for children –but as with other sports, it’s not without its risks! We know from experience that teachers can be hesitant when it comes to delivering Gymnastics lessons because they feel less confident and worry about the safety of their pupils.  This doesn’t […]

gymnastics in primary schools
Gymnastics in primary schools: What should be covered and why

Gymnastics is an essential part of Primary School PE. It is fun, and offers lots of opportunity for social interaction. Importantly, it promotes physical development, cognitive skills, confidence, discipline and resilience. This week, we are excited to launch our brand-new gymnastics plans. Two units of work per year group, compromising easy to follow National Curriculum […]

new gymnastics lesson plans
Our new gymnastics lesson plans and why they’re a vital part of PE

For the past few months, we’ve been very busy behind the scenes at PE Planning. It takes time to create structured, detailed, national curriculum-mapped PE lesson plans, and we’ve spent the spring creating brand new gymnastics lessons plans that will soon be available to download in our lesson plans section. Our brand new gymnastics lesson […]

pe activities videos
Preview of our video guides to PE activities and lesson plans

We endeavour to make our PE lesson plans as easy to follow as possible. However, this year we’re going to take them one step further. From this year, lesson plans will include videos to help you follow our PE activities more easily. The idea behind the new videos is to help you visualise the activity, […]

Mental Health Awareness Image
World Mental Health Awareness Week

We care deeply about both the physical and mental wellbeing of children, and to help teachers to address and review the mental health of their pupils, we have created a range of fun, active primary school mental health resources.  And for next week’s Mental Health Week, these resources are available to all teachers, free of charge.

citizenship in pe
Citizenship in PE

With all that is going in the world right now, never has there been a more important time to incorporate Citizenship into the school curriculum.  And Physical Education is no exception, in fact, Primary School PE can be a perfect platform for introducing the concept of social responsibility into our children.

Summer Term PE Lessons
Summer Term PE Lessons

The summer term is finally here, and it’s the best time of year for PE. Children are more active and engaged at this time of year, and we have some tips and advice for planning your outdoor PE. See what sports we recommend, and get access to hundred’s of free PE lessons and resources.

Ball on top of books for Worlds Book Day
Free World Book Day Activities

Next Thursday (2nd March) is World Book Day, an annual event to celebrate the joy of reading.  This day is an opportunity for children to discover new books, learn about their favourite authors, and participate in a range of activities that promote reading and literacy.  And we have some free fun PE activities to help celebrate the day. 

SEN PE lesson plans
SEN PE lesson plans: How to adapt PE Planning’s products and resources

In order to develop our lesson plans and keep our PE resources current, up to date and worthwhile, we work closely with a range of teaching professionals. We embrace their advice and guidance with the end user, the children, in the forefront of our minds. Our long term ambition is to provide all teachers with […]

Children's mental health group session with teacher
Children’s Mental Health Week

This week (6th to 12th February 2023) is Children’s Mental Health Week, and the theme is ‘Let’s Connect’.  We want to help by offering free access to our Mental Health Resources to all schools throughout the week.

Primary School Children in PE showing enjoyment, sportsmanship and teamwork
Teaching Children Good Sportsmanship

Good sportsmanship is a significant life skill that should begin to be instilled during the Primary School years. The importance of a child demonstrating the understanding of fair play, integrity and respect for others goes far beyond sport and is vital for developing the whole child.

free pe lesson plans
A Guide to Using Our Free PE Lesson Plans

We have created a free membership where teachers can access free PE lesson plans to ensure this is the right resource for them.

engaged primary school pe lesson
Preparing for primary school PE in 2023

Let us make your teaching life that little bit easier in 2023 not only by providing high quality PE lesson plans, but also helping with Curriculum Mapping, assessment, and other PE resources.

merry christmas from pe planning
Merry Christmas from PE Planning!

No doubt you will, like most schools, have finished for Christmas last week. But we just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has used our PE lesson plans this year… And Merry Christmas from PE Planning! 2022 has been a much-welcomed return to normality for the UK, and for the world. […]

christmas fitness games
Fun Christmas Themed PE Lesson Plans

Christmas is a hectic time in schools. PE often suffers because of the festivities… but it doesn’t have to…

ks1 pe lesson plâns
Our Favourite KS1 PE Lesson Plans

Our KS1 PE Lesson Plans have increased focus on fundamental movement skills, more opportunity to progress, and, of course, fun PE activities!

World Cup activities for schools
Football World Cup Activities for Schools

Here at PE Planning, we love every sport, and are excited about cheering on the Welsh and English teams.  But for those who are a little more ‘football-fobe’ , here’s some information that will help you to share the excitement with your primary school pupils...

7 Ball Games for the Classroom

“Surely Ball Games are for outdoor PE only?”.  Actually, we don’t think so!  And with the wintery weather affecting outdoor PE, and Christmas rehearsals taking over the school hall, now is the time to think outside of the box!!

Can School PE Wait?

We are teachers, we understand how much there is to do in such a short time.  But please please please take a minute to consider our case for regular School PE and Physical Activity…

pe activities at home
7 PE Activities That Are Easy at Home

Whether you are a Class Teacher, a Sports Coach or a parent, what better way to champion lifelong physical confidence and competence than encouraging your children to participate in sport and physical activity at school and at home.

Incorporating Halloween into KS2 PE Lesson Plans

With some creative thinking, lesson planning can be adapted to maximise festivities without missing out on vital primary curriculum work.  Here’s a few suggestions of how you can adapt our KS2 PE Lesson Plans to incorporate Halloween…

Challenges of Autumn 2 PE
PE Activities to Overcome The Challenges of Autumn 2

The first half term is over. The summer is a distant memory, and Autumn one has taken its toll on you. With the leaves on the trees changing colour, the mornings becoming crisper and the dark nights creeping up on us, what are the challenges of Autumn Two?

year 1 pe lessons equipment
How to plan Year 1 PE lessons with no equipment

Ofsted publications have suggested that children best develop their fundamental movement skills between 3 and 8 years old.  So, Year 1 PE lessons play a crucial role in a child’s physical development journey. Fundamental movement skills (including running, jumping, balancing, throwing and catching) should be the focus of Year 1 PE. They form the basis for both […]

new at pe planning
What’s New for You at PE Planning?

In preparation for the new school year that’s now started, at PE Planning we’ve been busy! Here’s a quick update of what’s new on the PE Planning website… Knowledge checks In reflection of the Ofsted PE review earlier this year, we have added some important guidance in every single lesson plan!  Few… it was a […]

pe curriculum
Interpreting the latest PE Curriculum Review

To reflect the outcomes and guidance of Ofsted’s recent curriculum review, we have reviewed and updated all of our curriculum resources.  This includes our Intent, Implementation, and Impact documents as well as our actual lesson plans.

Ofsted Research Review of the PE Curriculum

In March, Ofsted published their research review of the PE Curriculum. If you are currently evaluating your PE Curriculum, we strongly recommend reading this message… Some people have been asking us about the “new curriculum”.  It’s important to note that their publication is a ‘research review’ rather than a new curriculum. Research Review Undoubtedly, we […]

Planning your School Sports Day

We might not be having the sunniest summer term, but it’s June everybody, and that means it’s time to get planning for Sports Day!

outdoor pe games
Summer is Here: It’s the best time of year for Outdoor PE!

There’s no better feeling than being outdoors, and as the weather becomes warmer and more consistent, it means a lot more outdoor PE and activities outside.

Mental Health Awareness Week

The 9th May 2022 is the start of Mental Health Awareness Week. It’s time to address the Mental Health of our children

The Six Nations Championship

The final round for the 2022 Six Nations Championships is coming up this weekend, with France and Ireland currently sitting at the top of the table. France is undefeated, including beating Ireland in the second round. But with Ireland’s high scoring results in their other games, this weekend will decide who takes the Championship. France […]

School Events Calendar

There is always an event or activity in the school calendar and topics often vary from local events to national and even international holidays.

Post Lockdown Physical Activity in Children

We want to talk about a topic we are very passionate about… Physical activity levels in children and the effects of lockdown catch up...

PE and Sport premium grant carried forward

The money available to your school, and how it can be used

phyical literacy
Physical Literacy in Primary School

Examining the theory and exploring an approach to incorporate Physical Literacy into the curriculum.

‘Outdoor Classrooms’

Here’s why we think Outdoor Learning is so worthwhile…

The need for Active Classrooms

1 in 5 primary school children are now living with obesity. Prevention is better than a cure, and we are best placed to make a difference…

EYFS Statutory Framework 2021

What the framework changes mean to Primary School PE...

PE Curriculum Mapping & Planning

A clear plan for PE that works for your children, your facilities, your whole school...

Home Learning Expectations: PE at home

DfE expectations for schools to provide home-learning resources

Classroom pe games
Windy, rainy, no hall…? Try classroom PE games

Whoever designed primary schools, didn’t have PE and the British weather at the forefront of their minds. And now with extended lunchtimes for Social Distancing, does this mean no PE in the winter months?

No PE Kit… again! Considerations for setting a policy

“it’s my Mum’s fault, she didn’t pack it”… Sound familiar? Some children will persistently “forget” their PE kit. But is there more to this than meets the eye? And should these children be left out of PE lessons?

Differentiation in PE: the most affective piece of equipment

Some of us have been around long enough to know that differentiation and consideration of every child has improved significantly in recent years.

dance lesson plans
Teaching Dance – It’s Not That Daunting

You might not ‘think’ you are a Choreographer, but once you know a few key rules, your pupils will be amazed…

Example Primary School PE Plans

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