Fun Christmas Themed PE Lesson Plans

Published on 12th December, 2022

Christmas is a hectic time in schools. PE often suffers because of the festivities… but it doesn’t have to…

christmas fitness games

Christmas is a hectic time in schools, but it is also a magical time.  Rehearsals, card making, lines being learnt for the Christmas concert…  There just aren’t enough hours in the school day!

Unfortunately, school PE often suffers because of the festivities…  but it really doesn’t have to.  We have a range of fun Christmas themed PE lesson plans just for you…

Nativity dance routines

If you have covered dance or gymnastics this year, why not use the nativity staging to recap on their routines and practice a staged performance?  Children love Christmas songs, so you could incorporate a jolly song and have the children perform to music.  And if they are feeling really confident, let them perform their routines to another class, in an assembly, or even tie it into the Christmas production to parents! 

Christmas-themed games

Please also take a look at our Calendar Resources for lots of one-off Christmas themed lesson plans.  These activities can be incorporated into your school PE lessons, used during a brain break, or played during lunchtimes throughout December.  They can be progressed and adapted to suit any Key Stage and any ability. Here are a couple of our favourites!

Rescue Rudolph

Create an obstacle course such as hoops, ladders and benches. Add cut-out Rudolph images at the end. On the whistle, one ‘Elf’ from each team at a time must complete the obstacle course, retrieve a Rudolph, and return it to their team. The next Elf can then attempt the course.

Download the full lesson plan, with illustrations, here.

Christmas Commands

Set up a large area which the children can spread out in. Give the children different commands; the children must react as quickly as they can.

Download the full Christmas Commands lesson plan here.

Christmas-themed classroom activities

If your school PE hall is out of use due to rehearsals, and the weather is making outdoor PE impossible, take a look at our Classroom PE activities to ensure some form of Physical Education still takes place.  These resources vary from active play to theory PE games. 

For those without a full subscription, we have a range of free PE lesson plans available with our free membership.

We would love any feedback you have regarding any of our resources, or to hear how you get on with your fun Christmas themed PE lesson!