Preview of our video guides to PE activities and lesson plans
We endeavour to make our PE lesson plans as easy to follow as possible. However, this year we’re going to take them one step further. From this year, lesson plans will include videos to help you follow our PE activities more easily. The idea behind the new videos is to help you visualise the activity, […]

We endeavour to make our PE lesson plans as easy to follow as possible. However, this year we’re going to take them one step further. From this year, lesson plans will include videos to help you follow our PE activities more easily.
The idea behind the new videos is to help you visualise the activity, and to give extra guidance when following the lesson plan or activity plan. So far, the videos have been made with help from Thorpe Primary School, Bradford, who have kindly provided their facilities so that we can set up and demonstrate the activities with some of their pupils.
We will be adding videos to many of our lesson plans over the coming months, but to give you a taster, we’ve included a free video for you below. This video shows pupils playing the Atom Game, one of the best PE activities for getting children warmed up. It’s also ideal if you need to get pupils into group sizes if your next activity is teams or groups-based.
Additionally, as we explain in this blog post, the Atom Game is a perfect PE activity when you have no equipment available. Atom Game can be found in our Quick PE Games section.
Playing the Atom Game
- Start by marking out a large area for children to move around in, freely and safely.
- At the blow of the whistle, allow children to move around the area. Encourage them to use different movements, such as skipping, jogging and hopping.
- After 20 or 30 seconds, call out a number, such as three or five. Children then need to arrange themselves in groups of that number.
- If any children do not manage to form a group of that number, they must complete a forfeit – such as 10 star jumps.
- You can progress the game by challenging the children a little more with the groups they have to form – for example, you could ask them to group according to hair colour, eye colour or which house team they belong to.

Watch the Atom Game video
Watch the Atom Game video below. We’ll be adding videos to our lesson plans from next month. So, if you’re a member, watch out for the videos across our website! If you’d like to sign up to PE Planning, and take advantage of full, curriculum-mapped lesson plans and PE activities, register here.