PE Curriculum Mapping & Planning
A clear plan for PE that works for your children, your facilities, your whole school...

Just like in other subjects, a curriculum map is a way of tracking and recording when and what is taught in PE.
Your PE map should be a working document that runs throughout a pupil’s primary school life. It is important that the content is both suitable and sustainable for your school and your pupils at each stage of their learning journey.
A good PE curriculum plan will have:
- overlaps in content – helping to build on previous learning and offer some repetition. A curriculum plan that is too broad doesn’t provide any depths of learning.
- no gaps in the progression of skills, ensuring opportunities for success and development.
- the school, your facilities, and the pupils at the heart of the plan – it needs to be both engaging and realistically achievable.
At PE Planning we have created a PE Curriculum Map to help save you time and energy. With the new Ofsted Framework (2019) in mind, we made the progressions and skills learnt very clear. The new judgement assesses schools following the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum, and the skills/knowledge students are taught. Therefore, our mapping documents follow the same pattern…
– Intent: The knowledge and skills pupils will gain.
– Implementation: What you do to help your pupils make progress.
– Impact: Pupil outcomes and information retention.
The PE Planning Curriculum mapping links with all our lesson plans to ensure high quality PE can be delivered, with appropriate levels of progression, throughout a child’s primary school life. Please find the documents here… A Full PE Curriculum Archives – PE Planning
We created the PE curriculum mapping documents with the National Curriculum and physical literacy as a foundation.
Physical Literacy
“Physical literacy the movement, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.” (The International Physical Literacy Association, May 2014)
PE curriculum Aims
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- Are physically active for sustained periods of time
- Engage in competitive sports and activities
- Lead healthy, active lives (National Curriculum 2014)
If you are a PE Lead, you may be asked to create your schools PE curriculum long term plan. Our mapping documents will be valuable in assisting with this and run alongside your plan.
Here are some considerations for your school when creating a long-term plan:
- Are staff competent and confident with the delivery of the specific units of work?
- Do you have the resources for all staff to deliver high quality PE in the units you have selected? Staff Room | PE Lesson Plans & Activities From PE Planning
- Are the areas of learning popular to engage your pupils?
- What are the needs of your pupils? – behaviours, barriers to learning, health and wellbeing, etc.
- Do you have competitive intra and inter school festivals planned? What/when?
- What is your whole school model and how can PE play a key role in its benefits, attainment, and success?
Finally, get everyone on board with the plan – teachers, pupils, and parents. The benefits are invaluable…
Pupil’s love being active and want to be healthy.
High quality, diverse PE being taught.
Physical, personal, social, and thinking skills developed.
Opportunity for competition.
Healthy bodies build healthy minds.