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Free Sample Year 2

Learning Objectives

  1. To throw a shuttle relating to an overhead clear.
  2. Watch, track and catch a shuttle successfully.
  3. Identify class mates with a good technique.

Literacy Keywords
  • Shuttle
  • Serve
  • Be ready
  • Aim
  • Cooperation with others
  • Keep score of the games
  • Badminton Rackets
  • Shuttlecocks
  • Cones
Risk Assessment
  • Suitable clothing and footwear worn by participants.
  • Equipment suitable for participants, safe and checked.
  • Area safe and checked - any hazards removed.
  • Safety information highlighted to participants.
  • Staff aware of all emergency procedures, including designated 1st aider.
Knowledge Checks

Throughout this plan you will see ‘Knowledge Checks’ to help you ensure the pupils are acquiring the intended knowledge as the lesson progresses. The two types of knowledge to focus on in PE are:

  • Declarative Knowledge: Factual knowledge concerning movement, rules, tactics, strategies, health and participation (best practiced through spoken or written observations of a practical demonstration).
  • Procedural Knowledge: Knowing how to apply declarative facts (best practiced through demonstration or participation).

  • The aim for the lesson is to introduce the shuttle to pupils. It involves playing games that allow pupils to become familiar with the shuttle and how it falls in the air.
  • Throwing the shuttle – explained as throwing the shuttle side on as if you were throwing a dart. Weakest arm should be pointing towards target.


Activities & Games

Diamond Run
5 Mins
  • Pupils work in pairs.
  • Set out a diamond shape of (4) cones or shuttles.
  • Pupil 1 stands in the middle of the diamond ‘worker’.
  • Pupil 2 should be stood facing the worker, their job is to point to one of the four corners.
  • The worker must to get to the cone as fast as they can, touch it and return to the middle.
  • Change the worker after 30 seconds.

Free Badminton Lesson Plans

Teaching Points
  • Gradually build up speed
  • Head up
  • Look where you are going
  • Quality of movement/action
  • Emphasise speed and agility in the practise



  • Adapt the pupil’s movement to side stepping.


  • Each cone the pupils make it to is one point.
Flaming Shuttle
5 mins
  • Show the pupils the flight of the shuttle and the way it falls in the air due to the weighted cork.
  • Each pair to have a shuttle in a space.
  • Explain to them the shuttle is on fire and they can only hold it for a short amount of time.
  • Pupils should practise throwing to each other.
  • Once pupils have practised make it more competitive i.e. if the shuttle is dropped it will result in a forfeit.

free pe lesson plans shuttlecock catching

Teaching Points
  • Let the children practise
  • Eyes on the shuttle
  • ‘Ready Position’ Balls of the feet, knees bent, hands ready



  • Repeat the above process whilst moving around.
Knowledge Check
  • PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: Ask some children to demonstrate the activity/skill.
  • DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE: Ask other children to describe what is required to perform the task with success.
Hit the Ceiling
5 mins
  • Split the class into groups of 5/6 pupils, each group with a shuttle.
  • Groups must form a circle.
  • Each pupil will take turns to throw their shuttle towards the ceiling as high as possible.
  • The aim is to land the shuttle in a group members hands.
  • Ensure the pupils throw to someone different each time.
  • Explain that if the shuttle is hit high, you will gain more time on court to be ready and in position.

free badminton lesson plan activity

Teaching Points
  • Side on position
  • Bring shuttle back past head
  • Throw through with hip and body following arm.
  • Look to get as much height as possible
  • Overarm throws (Bow and arrow technique)



  • Pupils should attempt to sit down and stand up before the shuttle falls into a group members hands.


  • Add movement, follow your throw and swap with that person.
Knowledge Check
  • PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: Ask some children to demonstrate the activity/skill.
  • DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE: Ask other children to describe what is required to perform the task with success.
1 on 1
10 mins
  • Play on a small court, with net (or divide) 1v1.
  • Pupils throw a shuttle back and forth over the net with partner
  • The aim is to throw the shuttle high keeping it in court

free badminton lesson plan activity 2

Teaching Points
  • Aim for height and depth
  • Move quickly
  • Watch the shuttle
  • Overarm throws (Bow and arrow technique)



  • Pupils can try and outwit their opponent by throwing it to a space that is hard to reach by their opponent.
  • Introduce a marker spot or hoop to aim for, if the shuttle lands in the hoop a point is scored.
Knowledge Check
  • PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: Ask some children to demonstrate the activity/skill.
  • DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE: Ask other children to describe what is required to perform the task with success.
Relay Races
10 mins
  • Split the class into small teams 5/6
  • Balance the shuttle – pupils should balance the shuttle on their head and make their way up the hall towards the end cone, pupils should go around the cone and join the back of their team’s line.
  • Egg and Spoon –pupils should balance a shuttle on their racket and make their way through the cones. Once at the end pupils must throw the shuttle slightly in the air and hit it into the hoop with their badminton racket. Pupils must collect their shuttle and re-join the line.

free badminton lesson plan activity 3

Teaching Points
  • Teamwork
  • Cooperation
  • Balance
  • Speed
  • Control the shuttle
  • Help teammates
  • Communicate



  • Encourage competition between groups. Award points if finishing the race 1st/2nd The first team to 11 points wins.
Knowledge Check
  • PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: Ask some children to demonstrate the activity/skill.
  • DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE: Ask other children to describe what is required to perform the task with success.
Dynamic Stretch
5 mins
  • The children should complete the exercise in the first 10m of the area and then jog the next 10m then return to the back.
  • Exercises: Jogging, High Knees, Heel Flicks, Lunges, High Skipping, Cross-over’s – These exercises should be completed over the first 10 steps.


free badminton lesson plan activity 4

Teaching Points
  • Slow down as warm down progresses
  • Good quality movements
Knowledge Check
  • When playing games with a shuttle what is it important to do?

Look after the shuttle.

Keep it under control.


  • When throwing the shuttle what technique do we use?

Arm pointing to target.

Side on stance.

Aim for height on shuttle.